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"Fulton County Attorney Law Library" by O.V. Brantley


“Freedom to Read What I Want”

August 1 – September 6, 2025

Southwest Arts Center, 905 New Hope Road, South Fulton, GA 30331





Recently there have been unprecedented efforts to ban certain books. Banning books is a threat to freedom of speech, freedom of choice and often a suppression of history. Efforts to ban books must be resisted. The Atlanta Quilt Festival plans to shine an artistic light on efforts to ban books by showcasing original art quilts that depict a banned book in some way. We hope the exhibit will provoke thought and discussion about the importance of freedom. 


There are many lists of banned books, but a good place to start your research is the American Library Association. It has published a list of books that have been challenged or banned. The Atlanta Quilt Festival encourages all quilters to learn to tell their own stories. Every story is important and should not be banned. 


Your submission must meet the definition of a fiber quilt. It must have 3 layers (top, batting and back) held together with stitching. 


Your quilt should depict an individual book or a scene from an individual book. It should NOT be a library or bookshelf quilt. 


Your quilt should not be larger than 60 inches wide. Your quilt must have a label and a four-inch sleeve on the back. Also attach a temporary label on the back that includes your name, address, phone number and email. 


Give your quilt a name. Describe in succinct detail what your quilt is about.


All techniques welcome. Embellishments must be securely attached to the quilt and be able to withstand normal handling of installation and shipping.


Your quilt must be delivered to the Atlanta Quilt Festival by June 1 and be available for display and return shipping until September 15. Early return delivery is not allowed.


The exhibit may travel in 2025. If so, you will be asked to sign a loan agreement if you want to participate in the traveling exhibit.


Take some time with the title and the story behind your quilt. Acceptance will be based on the beauty of your quilt and the story behind it.


Do not send your quilt to the Atlanta Quilt Festival before you have been notified that it is accepted.

There is no entry fee for this exhibit. Submit online at under the enter your quilt tab after February 1, 2025. 


Deadline for submisson is June 1. Please submit as soon as possible between February 1 and June 1. We can only accept 30 quilts.


If you cannot enter online,  submit your quilt via email. Send a photo with the title, dimensions, techniques, and story/description of your quilt to

Entries Open February 1st

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