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"Thank You John Lewis! I am Your Wildest Dream"
"Marvelous Marcus" by Linda Asbery
"Keeping Busy" by Pat Batine
"A Beautiful Day in Rome" by O.V. Brantley
"Sharing Sisterhood" by O.V. Brantley
"No Limits" by Janice Daniel
"Yin Yang" by Jackie Jackson-Harvey
"Stony the Road We Trod" by Yvonne Bernal Little
"Rebirth" by Vickie Lorde
"Freedom and Joy" by Aisha Lumumba
"Rainy Days" by Aisha Lumumba
"All are Welcome at the Table" by Mary Maynard
"Hope-Faith-Courage" by Peggy Martin
"Lain in State- Memorial for John R. Lewis" by Jo-Ann Morgan
"Pledge Allegiance- Memorial for John R. Lewis" by Jo-Ann Morgan
"The Shack" by Nina Moore
"In the Tall Grass" by Nina Moore
"STEPS to ACHIEVE Your Wildest Dreams..." by Linda Poindexter
"VOTE" by Toni Presha
"Rainbow the Rhino" by Melinda Rushing
"540 Houston Street" by Brenda Shelby
"LaRita AKA UGA" by Brenda Shelby
"The Joy of Being an Artist" by Judy Simon
"A Brighter Future Ahead" by Lillie Singleton
"Sunday Quilting With My Friends" by Marva Swanson
"Carrying Our Burdens Gracefully — Homage to Dr. Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman" by Carolyn White
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