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Aleathia Chiso0lm
Kwandi sample




Slow Stitching: Kawandi the Siddi Way – Aleathia Chisolm, Teacher


Time: 10 am to 3 pm

Place: Southwest Arts Center

Fee: $30.00


Has life made you frazzled and stressed out? Slow down with some slow stitching, a cup of soothing tea and aromatherapy. It is good for your health.


The word for quilt in India is “Kawandi”. Join the Atlanta Quilt Festival on Friday, August 26th for a demonstration on how to create your own Siddi inspired quilt.


Discover the history of the Siddi people and their unique method of creating these one of a kind works of art.


You will receive live instruction on how to create your very own “Kawandi”. Aleathia will have fabric to share.


Supply List

Backing Fabric: 22”x 22” square

Batting (thin): 21” x 21” square; can also use flannel or cotton fabric)

Embroidery Needles:  Size 7

Quilting Thread: 12 weight in white or Ecru   or  Pearl Cotton 8 or 12 wt.

Basting thread:  basic thread in neutral color.


Fabrics: light weight colorful cottons scraps. Caution: Batiks can be used, however, Batiks are much more difficult to hand quilt due to its tight weave.


Bring your lunch.



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